Sunday, January 8, 2017

Why is the scale going the wrong direction?

I could make up a whole lot of excuses but truth is I just haven't been consistent. I know what I need to do, I tell myself what I need to do but I do the opposite. 

I have the tools, the ability and the mindset to succeed but for some reason I keep self sabotaging myself and binge eating . 2017 I'm getting to the root of it all, working on stopping myself, instead of just letting it be okay than wishing I didn't after.  

All about ACTION for me, it's about doing the things I said I would do. It's about becoming consistent, reaching my ultimate goal and ending this roller coaster ride.

Changing your lifestyle isn't easy,  losing weight isn't easy but I know it will all be  worth it and I will do whatever it takes to reach my goals. I'm going back to the basics, back to blogging, logging and putting this journey first. 

JANUARY GOAL: Lose at least 12.1lbs

The Plan:
1. 3 miles at least 3x a week
2. Greens, Thermofit & Fat Fighters Daily
3. 100 oz of water a day
4. Watch Me Melt Challenge 
5. Meal prep & eat meal prep food 
6. Finish reading Abundance Now

I'll be blogging all month for accountablitty - don't miss out Click here to subscribe #SheenaMelts