Friday, July 25, 2014

FRIDAY MILES!!! Satisfaction Indeed

I got my miles in today but it wasn't easy.  The plan was to wake up before work and complete a 5K at the local HS track but I woke up too late so that didn't happen. One of the hardest parts of my journey is trying to get enough sleep. I know getting enough rest is important but its easier said then done. I like to leave my house by 7:45AM drop my son off at daycare then be at my job by 8:30AM. 

The goal is to wake up at 5:30AM and go workout. Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Track 5k and Tuesday/Thursdays hour at the gym. This way I don't have to worry about going to the gym after work, I can come home, cook, eat dinner and compelte T25. I finished my two summer courses July 3rd, Fall semester (MY LAST SEMESTER #whoopwhoop) doesn't start until September 3rd so I want to push myself more while I'm out of school. 

Not only did waking up too late mean no run but I was unprepared for the day. I showered got dress and ran out the house no smoothie, no eggs, no lunch or snacks just a bad situation. My goal for this week is to meal prep this Sunday and have a FULL week of NO CHEATS. I'm going camping next weekend but I'm still going to try,  I shouldn't let that be an excuse but will see I'm human. 

Good news is I did get my 5K in right when I got home from work. It was a good run, I was just annoyed I didn't get to track it. It's my fault I have a charger right on my desk at work so I don't know why I didn't charge it while I was at work. I looked at my phone and I was at 2.74 miles:34 minutes; so the first thing that came to mine was push yourself let see if you can finish under 40. As of right now my fastest 5k has been 41 mins 10 secs. Five seconds later I feel a short vibrate, which was basically the signal of the phone shutting off. I'm over it now, figure no reason to be upset just more motivation to be great Monday morning. 

I proud of myself this week, I set a goal to run 3.1 miles M/W/F and complete T25 daily and I did it. I  could have made some better decisions eating wise but I did journal everything I ate including the feelings I had after eating them. This is a LIFESTYLE change some weeks are better than others; theres no ending to this journey. Learning that its okay to mess up and it doesn't mean you just give up is what made the difference this time for me. 

In the past I would go hard for a couple of days/weeks then once I had one bad meal, it was like oh okay DIETS over, I'm going to eating anything I want again. Turning this into a LIFESTYLE change and not just a DIET is what opened up my eyes to much more than just what the scale says. Don't get me wrong I love to see the scale go down, but now its more than that. 

In High School I would make every excuse of why I couldn't run the mile at gym class. Running it was the worse thing ever. Today I can say that I ran a 5k, 3x times this week. Last year if you asked me to walk to the Pathmark (ONLY HALF A MILE AWAY) I would have look at you like you were crazy lol. This journey is one of the HARDEST things I've ever done, its only been 7 months but its so worth it. 

Looking forward to Week 2 MWF Challenge Yourself 5k 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday Miles: Keep on pushing!

I’m feeling great today; I actually woke up before work and got my miles in. My plan was to wake up at 5:20 am and meet the Black Girls Run group at 5:45am. However I woke up at 5:05 am and I told myself 5 more minutes of sleep but of course 5 more minutes turned into an hour.

Instead of making an excuse of I woke up too late (that’s my normal excuse lol), I jumped up used the bathroom, brushed my teeth and got to the track by 6:30am. Completed 3.1 miles in 41 minutes and 10 seconds, which is my fastest 5k to date.

At mile 1.5 I started thinking about how I should just do 2 miles instead of the 3.1. Then I started thinking about the quote “Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done” and pushed myself to finish the 3.1. Since I told myself I was going to complete 3.1 miles before I started jogging, I wouldn’t let myself stop before I got there. I’ve noticed when I give myself a goal during my workouts, I push myself harder. Another goal I like to give myself when working out is to burn a certain amount of calories before leaving; sometimes I will have a daily calorie burn goal and sometimes it’s a weekly goal, I like to switch things up.

Going from being kind of lazy, okay let’s be honest I was LAZY, to working out almost every day isn’t easy. Every day is a battle within yourself to do what you know you need to do. Setting daily, weekly, monthly goals is what works for me. I also love participating in different challenges to help keep me motivated. Right now I’m participating in a challenge on Instagram called Fckbeingfat. I get 5 points when I work out for 45 minutes or 7 points for working out for an hour; it’s funny how just getting points motivates me to complete an hour work out a day.

This journey is all mental; you have to find whatever motivates you to keep on going. The more you put into making a LIFESTYLE change the more you will get out of it. Plus being active makes you feel so much better; I just wish I would have started years ago. Don’t waste another day saying I’ll start tomorrow, just start today and change something small. 

After my Jog : New to this blogging thing not sure how to rotate this lol sorry. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Miles with Sheenafitzai!


Losing weight has always been a challenge for me, the one thing I always thought I just couldn't do. 

When I started this Journey seven months ago, I knew I had to do whatever it takes to stay MOTIVATED. Documenting my journey on IG has helped me a lot, keeps me accountable, keeps me focused, shows me so many new recipes and workouts and suck great motivational quotes.  Signing up for the 5k Foam Face was another tool I used to motivate myself; I had something to look forward to and push myself for.  I had a lot of fun completing the Color Run in May and the 5k Foam Fest in June. 

Today July 21st 2014  I started my Monday Miles videos on YouTube, I committing to running 3.1 miles at least 3 times a week and plan to tape a video weekly about my progress. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to do the couch to 5k program. 

It felt good today going to the track afterwork; I was tired but I figured doing something different would be more fun than the gym. It was a nice day, I had my iPod in listening to music that was motivating me to keep on pushing. I need to make a running play list ASAP, I know I was wasting time messing with my iPod changing music etc. 

One day maybe I'll run a Marathon, who knows for now I'm just taking it one day at a time and focusing on my breathing and just enjoying the act of running. Trying to let my mind free and just jog and hoping to grow to love it.

It's so crazy that I'm sitting here writing about wanting to be a RUNNER, last year at this time if you told me I would have completed two 5ks and signed up for another in October I would have told you, you were CRAZY and I wasn't running no where. I'm so happy I decided to finally make this LIFESTYLE change. If I can do it so can you, lets motivate each other to get to our goals. One day, one better decision.

I'm back to blogging :)

It's been a while since I've been on here, truthfully I forgot I even had this setup. I started looking up advice on starting your new blog and realized I already opened a Blogger account a couple of months ago. I'm now into my 7 month on this journey to becoming fit. I feeling good and proud of how determined I've been; I'm not perfect I've had a lot of days that I know I could have down better but whats important is I didn't quit. 
This time I'm not quitting doesn't matter how hard it gets (SPEAK IT TO EXISTENCE), I'm committed to reaching my goal :)